Bienvenido! Este blog ya no se actualiza. La razón es que me he mudado a un servidor propio y he montado un nuevo blog en WordPress.
Visítame en el nuevo Children at your feet.


we're back!

Hi people, we just came back from London. We arrived yesterday, actually, but it was so late and I was so tired that I went directly to bed.

But blogosphere didn't stop this weekend, so this morning I had over 300 posts pending in my Bloglines! I managed to reduce them to 100 posts, I will have some work tomorrow!

I promise there will be a complete chronicle (as usual :P), but there are some headlines:
  • I love Muji! Betty wrote about this shop a while ago, and guess what! I already have the puzzle cookies cutter set! I can't wait to have my puzzle shaped cookies!! They're opening a new shop here in Barcelona, by the way.
  • The weather was great, I think these four days have been the longest period without rain in London! We even got a sunny Sunday!
  • On Saturday at the hotel, we watched a new series in Channel 4: The IT Crowd. It turned out to be really funny, and what a coincidence, it was mentioned today at Microsiervos!
And that's all for now. I hope I can write a real chronicle soon. And don't worry, it will be in Spanish... or Catalan, who knows! Hold on!

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